1st Secretariat Meeting

The 1st Maritime Coast Guard Functions Forum Secretariat Meeting was hosted by EMSA on April 26 with the participation of the Secretariat Members of Turkey (Chair 2017), Italy (Chair 2016) and France (Chair to be, 2018) and the EMSA, EFCA and FRONTEX representatives as observers. The agenda included provisions for the following Secretariat Meetings and the Plenary Meeting, the MCGFF Web Page, best practices from other Coast Guard fora, among others. EMSA agreed to host the 2nd and 3rd Secretariat Meeting respectively in June and September 2017. Moreover, it was agreed that the Plenary Conference would be organised in Antalya (Turkey) for the 12-13 October 2017.


• The Turkish Coast Guard will announce the date of the MCGFF-17 on their website;
• A timeline was agreed;
• The Turkish Coast Guard will launch a study to map all training centres;
• Turkey will hand over the Chairmanship to France at the next MCGFF-17
• EMSA will cover travel expenses for SAFEMED IV Beneficiary countries participating to the MCGFF-17

  • Lisbon
  • Date