System tracks have a proprietary protocol, it contains the same attributes as AIS and Radar tracks with the addition of originator source, alarms (if any), label and text made by operators.

The main entity is: Vessel including the sub-entities: Location for the position, Event of type Movement for the voyage information. For the alarms, depending of the case, it could be an associated Risk or Event of type incident or Event of type anomaly. (required: the list of alarms to do a mapping). The text added by the operators can be added as a comment in the Metadata of the Risk or of the Event.

The example below use the entity Risk for an alarm: a vessel suspected of smuggling. This could be used for sharing Vessels of Interest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- mapping of Radar information in ASTERIX CAT062 - the comments indicate the field used from ASTERIX-->
<Vessel xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:mov="" xmlns:loc="">
        <GeneratedBy><LegalName>Italian Coast Guard</LegalName></GeneratedBy> <!-- identification of the generator of the ID, in most of the cases the owner of the CISE adapter-->
    <Name>ATLANTIS ALVARADO</Name><!-- Vessel Name -->
<!-- below information about alarms can be added-->
            <Metadata><Comments>Free text</Comments></Metadata><!-- specific text added by the operator that cannot be encoded in another field-->
            <RiskType>Smuggling</RiskType><!-- see full list at -->
<!-- below information from AIS and/or Radar sources -->
        <Metadata><Creator><Nationality>IT</Nationality></Creator></Metadata> <!-- Other metadata possible -->
        <SourceType>Correlation</SourceType><!-- see full list at -->
        <SensorType>MaritimeRadar</SensorType><!-- see full list at -->
<!-- information about the next port of call -->
        <Event xsi:type="mov:Movement">
                <Location xsi:type="loc:PortLocation">
                    <LocationCode>FRLEH</LocationCode><!-- Destination (if a LOCODE is used) -->
                    <PortName>Le Havre</PortName><!-- Destination (if a port) -->
                <DateTime><StartDate>2017-06-23</StartDate><StartTime>13:30:00</StartTime></DateTime> <!-- ETA -->
<!-- other identification elements of the vessel -->
    <ShipType>BulkCarrier</ShipType><!-- see full list at -->